Personal Development Through Life Coaching


Louis Scotti

7e9f0b_4f0bec589b7c30be058b3b70ea4974b7.png_srz_183_218_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srzFounder of A Willing Life

Transitioning through life can be challenging. When we are very young most of us rely on coaching from our parents, siblings, teachers and peers? As adults, finding someone to listen to our problems and then respond without bias or prejudice is not so easy. We tend to discuss puzzling issues and “what if ” scenarios with friends. However, that is usually not where you should be looking for guidance when you are stuck. Friends and family love you, but they are far from impartial. When we’re stuck we tend to procrastinate and avoid making any decisions? That can have disastrous results on your progress, motivation, and success.

It is commonly known that athletes who want to improve their performance need coaches. So then why would we doubt the importance of having a coach at various times throughout life when we are moving from one scenario to another?

The definition of a life coach is very specific:

A life coach is a trained professional who can assist you to achieve a goal or goals and guide you through changes in your life. It’s just that simple.  The right coach can provide clarity and help you to discover what you really want to achieve.  A trained professional can help you overcome fear of failure and enhance your courage.  In addition, a good coach can help you to form a plan and take steps towards your goal, as well as hold you accountable.

In other words, a coach can help you live your life to the fullest, unleash your passion, break the procrastination mode, and support you as you live your dream.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself that will help you decide whether a coach is right for you.

  1. Are you avoiding change, but feeling unfulfilled in your life?
  2.  Have you discovered what your passion is?
  3.  Are you basically happy but feel that you have not achieved your greatest potential yet?
  4.  Have you lost your motivation and drive?
  5.  Do you secretly wish you had the courage to break free of the chains that bind you?
  6.  Do you know what you want but needs the tools and resources to get started?
  7.  Are there times you feel you can you have so much more potential, but lack the insight to unleash your hidden talents?

Never Say Impossible Radio interviews Louis Scotti, Life Coach and founder of “A Willing Life” on the benefits of having a top notch coach in your corner.

Click here to listen:Non-Flash MP3 Direct Link

About Louis Scotti

Louis Scotti is founder of A WILLING LIFE Personal Support Systems, providing people and businesses with greater realization of success potential.  With extensive knowledge and experience gained through diverse study, research and accomplishments Lou provides lectures, seminars and offers individual programs for improving the skills necessary to achieve greater success and well-being.  Lou distinguishes himself as the “not quick fix”, guy. Lou dislikes quick fix ideologies and is determined to offer programs for hard working people and businesses that are smart enough to acknowledge that, they don’t know it all, and are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful. Lou developed three programs, FAMILIES IN SYNC, PERSONALITY SCULPTING AND PINNICLE INTRINSIC BUSINESS REVIEW and believes “The quality of his life depends upon the quality of your life”. You can contact Lou Scotti and A WILLING LIFE   at or 305-846-6536